Leaders: Tom and Sherry Johnson

Our Mission: 

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth" - Acts 1:8

The Acts 1:8 team is making sure FFC shares the gospel across the street and around the world through local evangelism and mission trips by developing strategic plans for intentional evangelism including all geographical regions (local, county/state, international).


Faith Fellowship's purpose is to fulfill its part in carrying out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

Its desire is not only to support missionaries actively, but also to be a sending church which raises up its own missionaries for both long-term and short-term ministries locally and abroad.  

We seek to help our members encounter a biblical view of missions through teaching and exposure to special missionary speakers and short-term missions trips. 

Supported Missions
Click the links below for more information.

Abundant Life Pregnancy Resource Center

Bob and Rhonda Farley - Belize Training Center

International Mission Board - Lottie Moon

James Walker - Watchman Fellowship

Johnny Pickett and Kayci Standard - One Way Community

Steve Bell - AWANA

Faith Fellowship Church also supports missionaries in undisclosed locations worldwide, safeguarding their identities due to the presence of governments and organizations that oppose evangelism.